Your resource for docking, fuel, storage, and seasonal marine services, on beautiful White Lake, in Fruitland Township
South Shore Marine's got your nautical lifestyle NEEDS
While navigating the big lake, it’s nice to know where there’s a friendly harbor during a storm (or even on a nice day). Whether you’re hauling up from Grand Haven, or down-winding from Pentwater, White Lake’s proximity makes it a nice target destination ... a reassuring mid-point coming from either direction. And if you’ve never been to White Lake and its environs, well, you’re missing out on the fun.
Surrounded by the vast blue water of Lake Michigan, rolling sand dunes, deep forests, intriguing coastline, endless vistas, and the attractions of the immediate area (Whitehall and Montague are full of shops and restaurants, Muskegon is 15 minutes south), White Lake is one of Western Michigan’s great summer hideaways. And South Shore Marine can host your overnight - or long term -nautical stay with the kind of marine accommodations you'll enjoy. We also have a beautiful 4BR apt for vacation rental atop the marina. Interested? Call (231) 893-0355.
office: (231) 893-3935
cell: (231) 750-0631
fax: (231) 894-0750
email: sshoremarinawl@gmail.com
6806 South Shore Drive
Whitehall, MI 49461
HOURS: m-f 9-5
Fuel by Appointment

ShoreStation® Boat Lifts
If you’re familiar with this product, you know how great they work. Folks love them for their easy docking and launching capabilities.
We offer Free Standing Hydraulic, Electric, and Manual lifts. There are Boathouse and Pile Mount Hoist options as well. All their lifts pass inspection with us. And, to keep our marina running smoothly, we simply MUST utilize lifts that are time-tested and dependable. Little problems become big problems when you add water, and the ShoreStation lifts never, uh, let us down. (unless we want them to)
ShoreStation® is the most trusted and recognized brand in the industry. "The original since 1959" keeps getting better every year with its commitment to continuous improvement. Their global presence is solidified with a strong network of national and international dealers and distributors. They offer the strongest warranty in the industry, and stand behind their products with pride and passion.
Need a lift? Talk to us. We’ve got a long list of very happy customers who endorse this product, plus we stand behind them.

Full, Pampered Accommodations For Your Boat
SOUTH SHORE MARINE has a variety of slips and anchored moorings available on a hourly/daily/weekly/monthly/seasonal basis. Your nautical accommodation comes with full dock privileges and access to the SSM facilities, which include bathrooms, shower, ice machine, ground transport, and other amenities. Just ask us.

From Humble Roots – A Marine Emporium Grows
What is now South Shore Marine finds its genesis in the ambitions of a guy named Harry Pillinger, back in the late 30's. Recognizing a need for some sort of commercial marina service, he went into action. The property adjacent to the WL Yacht Club was owned by a certain Mrs Olson, who ran a small restaurant at the top of the hill (Olson's Nook). He bargained with her, and agreed on a price of $2000 for the waterfront lot (75ft of frontage). Securing a small bank loan, Harry went to work, building a rough 8x12' shack on the beach, which featured a removable, one-plank pier. He was in business. Skipper's Landing was born!
He fashioned a spartan living renting sail boats (three ancient A Scows, once part of the WLYC fleet) and power boats. He and his wife, Stella, finished the first marina building in '43. Then he got summoned by the Navy to in the Pacific theater. Returning from his tour of duty in '46, he and Stella improved the operation substantially, expanding the building, and the dock facilities, while moving into boat sales and repair, plus storage. He also installed a marine railway, and built sheet piling in front of the building to prevent erosion. In '54 a large display room went atop the 60x120' storage building, which became a showroom for boats, motors, marine hardware, and clothing.
From there on it continued as a beloved fixture on White Lake's south shore for every kind of boater; whether seeking fuel for a day trip to the Magic Dune (and iced beverages for sustenance), or weary seafaring adventurers in need of safe haven for a few hours or a few days, or local sailors who wanted to hang out in the retail space upstairs (and shoot the breeze with the Old Salt himself, or his colorful wife), shopping for repair supplies or utilitarian clothing for foul weather forays. Skipper's Landing became a nexus for the local nautical culture, forging a symbiotic relationship with their neighbor a few feet to the East – the WL Yacht Club.
In the late 80's, Harry and Stella sold the business to the enterprising Bruce Baetzel, a scow sailor who'd grown up loitering around the Yacht Club and Pillinger's as a young dock rat. He renamed the enterprise (South Shore Marina), and expanded the dock amenities with a gift store and a waterside cantina, often featuring live entertainment – usually strumming singer-songwriter types, crooning about rum and lost love. Bruce maintained Harry's tradition in every way possible, including being a requisite waterfront character of the highest order. He carried the torch – and then passed it.
Now the marina enters a new phase, with new owners and managers, in the process getting a welcome facelift and refurbishing, both above, and beneath, the water surface. Long may it serve the boating community in this magic little stretch of White Lake shoreline!